Pasha and I have been working together for over a year now! Here was his 1 year check in. Pasha is a professional Parkour athlete, but had never strength trained in his life. We started lifting together 3 times a week, and he has seen significant increases in his strength, performance, and has shaped his body!

Samantha and I have been training together 2-3x a week for over a year now. This was her 1 year check in in November 2022, and she has continued on training since these photos.

Brandi was one of my favorite client before and afters of all time! This was 3 months into our training together, and I loved to see her progress! We incorporated strength and HIIT training into her program to help her build muscle and lose weight at the same time.

Darren and I started lifting together in July of 2022. He came to me with significant alignment issues in his hips, and was hoping to integrate all he had learned from physical therapy into his training. We had a strong focus on increasing lower body strength, and increasing mobility/flexibility, and we have done just that! One of his major goals was to reach the 1000 lb club, where all of his power lifts added up to 1000 lbs combined, and today May 25, 2023 we surpassed that goal by 13 lbs!

Patricia and I have been training together for over 2 years now, we will hit our 3 year train-iversary in Oct 2023! She hired me because she got a bone density scan, and her doctors told her she was at risk for osteoporosis. Her main goal was to build bone density and improve her lifestyle. She has become much stronger in our time together, and has seen great improvement in her ability to perform daily activities such as gardening, cleaning, etc. This year she will get her bone density scan again, and we are excited to see where she is at!